Become a Member

The membership application and payment is available online.

Membership is available to any individual active in the area of quality. Professionals in general, acute, managed, long-term, home health, mental health and ambulatory care settings as well as consultants whose responsibilities include:

Member Benefits:

MoAHQ membership provides numerous benefits including:

National Resource:

The National Association for Healthcare Quality is a membership organization whose mission is to advance the Healthcare Quality Profession leading to positive health outcomes, visit to learn more.

State Affiliation:

MoAHQ is part of the MHA (Missouri Hospital Assocation) through one of its PMG (Personal Membership Group) affiliations. The PMGs affiliated with MHA function as mission-driven organizations committed to health care improvement through professional and leadership development. Collectively, PMGs are made up of nearly 2,000 members who are health care professionals and volunteers working within hospitals, health systems and associated with health care organizations across the state. MHA serves these members and thousands more with education, networking, advocacy and other valuable benefits.

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